About us

There were many wounded and disabled people in Artsakh as a result of the Artsakh war. Despite the extreme necessity, no rehabilitation center existed that would provide proper treatment for people with limited abilities.

Our Story:

The establishment of the Rehabilitation Centre was the initative of Baroness Caroline Cox. As a former nurse, she was aware of its pressing need among the population.

In September 1998: Deputy Speaker of the House of Lords of the United Kingdom, Baroness Caroline Cox, officially opened Rehabilitation Center.

In March 1999: Vardan Tadevosyan, a rehabilitation therapist and lecturer, moved to Artsakh at Caroline Cox’s invitation to become the director of the Centre. Starting from May, 12 nurses began a one-year training course.

In 2000: The Rehabilitation Centre launched a treatment programme for outpatients and inpatients.

Starting from  2002 the Rehabilitation Centre functions within the system of the Ministry of

Healthcare of the Republic of Artsakh.From the very   beginning, the center was called    “Christian Solidarity Worldwide”, then, on 12th September 2005 was renamed after Caroline  Cox.

Our mission is to provide rehabilitation treatment to people with disabilities and to integrate them into society as well as to contribute to their  independence.The Rehabilitation Center gives great importance to organizing various events for people with mental and physical problems by aiming to strengthen their relationships with peers as well as within the community and with the  purpose to adapt them to social environment and improve the qualty of life.We work hard to develop adaptive sports in Artsakh. The involvement of people with disabilities in sport life has its unique place here. Young people with disabilities who receive treatment in the Rehabilitation Center are involved in various kinds of sport and actively participate in sports events organized in Armenia and in the Republic of Artsakh.

The following services are available at the Centre:Rehabilitation doctor′s consultations, physical therapy, ergo therapy, neuroimaging therapy,  counseling and psychological services, speech therapy, occupational therapy, hydrotherapy, sports, information technologies  and art workshops. Outpatients, inpatients and people that receive a day care treatment in the Centre have access to the mentioned services.

Since its foundation  the Rehabilitation Centre  has had  a home-visiting department, that serves more than 120 people with severe disabilities to continue their home-based care and receive support. The centre has trained specialists for Hadrut, Martuni and Martakert regions, whose mission is to conduct physical therapy in hospitals located in these regions.

Our Implemented  Projects:

From 2000 to 2020  the Centre provided outpatient treatments 80630 times, organised  for 4037  inpatients and conducted  38700 home-visits. Speech therapists provided their services 30863 times and the psychotherapists- 40203 times.

Since 2006, patients have used the hydrotherapy pool 21853 times.

The Rehabilitation Centre has a educational department, where specialists are trained and retrained to become staff of the Centre or the regional hospitals in the Republic of Artsakh.The Centre gives great importance to further education of  its staff and invites specialists from Armenia and abroad to conduct workshops and exchange experiences.

Starting from July 2006 the Centre established a therapeutic swimming pool (hydrotherapy).

On 1 June 2007, the Centre opened the Children’s Health Centre for 2-7 years old children with physical or mental problems.

On 2 May  2017, a day care and treatment centre was established  adjacent to the  Rehabilitation Centre with the aim to improve the quality of life  of children diagnosed with autism and cerebral palsy. Each year, more than 60 children receive treatment there.